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Nomex Covered Flat Wire

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NOMEX paper wrapped wire electrical, chemical and mechanical integrity, and elasticity, flexibility, cold resistance, moisture resistance, acid and alkali corrosion, will not be damaged by insects and mold. NOMEX paper - wrapped wire in the temperature is not higher than 200℃, the electrical and mechanical properties are basically not affected. So even if the continuous exposure to 220℃ high temperature, can be maintained for at least 10 years for a long time.

NOMEX paper wrapped line implementation standard: GB/T 7673.1-2008 technical requirements.

NOMEX paper wrapped wire features and uses: NOMEX paper wrapped wire is suitable for oil immersed transformer, dry transformer, variable frequency transformer and similar electrical windings.

NOMEX paper package line production range:

Round line: D: 2.50 ~ 16.00mm;

Flat line: A: 1.00 ~ 5.60mm;

B: 2.00 ~ 16.00mm.



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